About Us

About Us

The Three-Deuce-Five Marine Foundation was established in 2005 as a non profit charitable organization to assist United States Marines returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Foundation also assists the Sailors who serve with our Marines.

The history of The Three-Deuce-Five Marine Foundation is closely tied to the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines, Marine Reserve Battalion headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, with additional units in Akron and Columbus, Ohio, as well as Buffalo, New York and Moundsville, West Virginia.

The unit history of the Three-Deuce-Five is filled with sacrifice, valor, honor and faithful service. The battalion was activated in May 1943, in time to fight its way west across the Pacific Ocean - first at Kwajalein Atoll, followed by Saipan, Tinian, and Iwo Jima. On Iwo Jima, 3/25 played a major role in the capture of Airfield No. 1 then battled uphill to cripple a key point in the main Japanese line of defense. The Congressional Medal of Honor on display at the headquarters of 3/25 was awarded to the battalion's commanding officer for extraordinary valor above and beyond the call of duty at Iwo Jima.

The unit's reputation, earned in the Pacific sixty years ago, was reaffirmed in Iraq. For seven months in 2005, 3/25 engaged in almost daily combat operations in one of the hottest of hot spots along the Euphrates River. Forty-nine Marines gave the last full measure of their devotion to our nation and another one hundred and sixty were wounded in action. For their valorous service, twenty-one Marines of 3/25 were recommended for medals, one for the Navy Cross, three for Silver Stars, and seventeen for Bronze Stars with combat V's. The Marines and Sailors of Three-Deuce-Five are currently on active duty for their third deployment since 1991.